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Full Bladder Examinations

Full Bladder Examinations

Examination with Full Bladder
If you are scheduled to be examined with a full bladder, then you should try to arrive for your appointment with your bladder comfortably full. If you don’t think that this will be possible, you may arrive early for your appointment and drink water from the water cooler in the office. Please remember NOT to urinate in the bathroom when you arrive, and alert the receptionist when your bladder has become full.

Flow Rate / PVR (post-void residual)
If you are scheduled to do a flow rate / PVR examination, then you should try to arrive for your appointment with your bladder comfortably full. If you don’t think that this will be possible, you may arrive early for your appointment and drink water from the water cooler in the office. Please remember NOT to urinate in the bathroom when you arrive, and alert the receptionist when your bladder has become full.